Мощната сила на биолечението,въздейства върху всички тела и енергийни центрове и я прави изключително ефективна при изцеление на всякакви физически, психически и енергийни проблеми в нашето тяло.

Открийте уникална сила на Биотерапията!
Биоенергийното изцеление е най-древния метод, чрез който се изцеляват хора, животни и растения.
За какво помага Биоенерготерапия

Съвременния свят е изпълнен със стрес, вредна храна и купища лекарства. Именно това отключва редица здравословни и емоционални проблеми, които въздействат негативно на нашето качество на живот и дори могат да доведат до фатални последици.Чрез биотерапията, ние ще помогнем за :
Bioenergy therapy can help with all known and unknown diseases. Bioenergy carries information about human health and can therefore be useful for physical and mental illnesses and ailments.
The bioenergetics therapist uses the knowledge and skills acquired in bioenergetics training in healing. He uses bioenergy as a creative, universal and vital energy, which he channels to the person being healed with his hands, movements and techniques. No other physical tools are used.
Bioenergy sessions are held for five consecutive days, lasting 15-20 minutes.
No, the side effects of bioenergy therapy are not known.
Positive changes are noticeable after the first session, and the best results become visible within 30 days after the end of the sessions.
Bioenergy therapy is suitable for people of all age groups and genders, including pregnant women.
Bioenergetic therapy and other forms of spiritual energy medicine that we offer help all living beings, especially humans, to improve health, quality of life, and achieve healing. The results of therapy may vary; in some cases modest improvements in health are achieved, while in other cases they are extremely satisfactory. In some cases, complete healing occurs. Expect a pleasant and professional atmosphere that will make you feel safe and positive.
Yes, spiritual energy medicine can be used alone, but it can also be combined with any other form of healing to achieve the best results. A combination of different therapies often provides a more holistic approach to improving health and well-being.

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